The Issue: Gov. Phil Murphy suggestion that he is housing an undocumented immigrant.
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy proudly announced he had given sanctuary to a female illegal immigrant (“Jersey’s Gov. Phil fabrigate,” Feb. 4).
After substantial blowback, Murphy’s team stated the governor’s comments were “misinterpreted,” and he had no such houseguest. So, was the statement true or not? Can’t wait to see what comes of this.
Joe Alloy
Wayne, N.J.
If a Republican governor made such a statement that deliberately defied a Democratic president’s efforts to enforce existing law — just to prove his bona fides to the “resistance” — the media and Democrats would be shrieking.
Murphy’s juvenile stunt is dangerous and just another example of why his party is losing. They continue to prioritize their party’s agenda over the best interests of the country — yet they continue to accuse Trump of breaking norms.
Barbara Clerkin
Glen Head
During the last four years, illegals were invited into and dispersed throughout the country, often with disastrous results. Now Murphy claims he’s assisting an illegal migrant. Or, maybe not — now that his team has said he was “misinterpreted.”
I continue to find his misplaced compassion very confusing. I am dismayed that he and his family did not offer help to one of the hundreds if not thousands of people who are actual citizens, trying to eke out a living, obeying the laws and contributing to society.
Sallyanne Ferrero
Naples, Fla.
Everyone heard Murphy say that he had an illegal immigrant living above his garage. Everyone heard him challenge ICE to try to come get her. He was in an interview when he said it, and the mainstream media reported it.
Now he’s saying he was misinterpreted. Like all the other Democrats in office, he thinks the American people are stupid. Thank God President Trump is now in power.
Lorraine Fittipaldi
Apollo Beach, Fla.
How come Gov. Murphy didn’t invite any homeless veterans to live with him?
What a great example he is for supporting illegals over people who served this country that are in need of help. I hope this is his last term.
Carol O’Keefe
The Issue: Robert Kennedy’s fitness to head the Department of Health and Human Services.
It’s amazing how you can continue to denounce the nomination of RFK Jr. (“Hearings settle it: RFK’s unfit,” Editorial, Feb. 4)
If you want to talk about not having experience running a large federal agency, that’s fine. But something is causing 1 in 36 children to have autism. At the very least, it should be a national emergency we are looking into.
Between 2003 and 2016, 85 percent of sampled pharmaceutical companies had financial penalties for illegal activities. But when those same companies make vaccines, should we just accept that everything’s fine?
If you want to get people to start trusting vaccines again, it needs to start with complete transparency about each of the vaccines children must take and how they were all tested. Until we do that, people like RFK Jr. are not going away.
Kevin Curtin
Point Pleasant, N.J.
Sen. Bill Cassidy had a moment to stand up for what he swore an oath to. As a medical doctor, Cassidy swore to do no harm.
By voting “yes” for RFK Jr., he allowed a man who — through his anti-vaccine stance and conspiracy theories — could potentially cause medical harm and death in our country. Cassidy and all those endorsing RFK Jr. should know better.
Harlan Jamison
Vero Beach, Fla.
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