‘Hack’ promises to make NYC navigation easy but some disagree

‘Hack’ promises to make NYC navigation easy but some disagree

If you can make it here, you’ll make it anywhere. Literally.  

Navigating NYC — whether by car, bike or on two feet — is no easy feat. 

The cross streets, directions, neighborhoods and sections can all be quite confusing. 

A content creator’s “hack” for getting around NYC is going viral, and leaving some strangers to the city extremely confused. BullRun – stock.adobe.com

However, this trending tip from a city native is meant to serve as an aid for bewildered tourists, commuters and newcomers who often struggle getting around the concrete jungle.  

“Evens go east, odds go west,” said Sheffi, a food influencer, of Gotham’s grid. 

With pal Steve, a local, as her guide, the brunette explained that traffic moves to the east on even-numbered streets and west on odd-numbered streets. 

Sheffi and Steve suggested folks remember that traffic on even streets in NYC heads east, while traffic on odd streets moves west. resul – stock.adobe.com

“So,” said Sheffi, “if you a see a street and cars are going in a certain direction — and it’s an even street — it’s going east.”

“That way you know which way to go if you’re turning on a certain avenue,” she added in her perplexing PSA as Steve chimed, “Now you know.”

But it seems their Big Apple “hack” has some folks lost in the sauce. 

“I’m still confused,” confessed a commenter. 

“I wish this made sense to me,” another wrote. 

“If I have no sense of direction how would I know west from east,” questioned equally puzzled spectator.

Baffled viewers admitted that the trending hack was difficult to comprehend. Getty Images/iStockphoto

Hey, it’s the city that doesn’t sleep — and, apparently, doesn’t have to make much sense to outsiders. 

But there have been a number of viral apps, maps and how-tos for getting around town without getting lost.   

Virtual guides like the Pigeon app hit the scene to help commuters plan their daily routes, view real-time mass transit disruptions, receive estimated arrival times, and live updates about the beleaguered subway system.

The Post even launched its own congestion pricing map at the top of the year, offering it up as a guideline for traversing New York City’s newest toll roads. 

Most native New Yorkers said they’d learned Sheffi and Steve’s “hack” as kids. deberarr – stock.adobe.com

But when it comes to traveling north, south, east and west, it seems long-time residents of the boroughs understand how to do it best. 

“Before google maps this was like the first thing everybody learned living in NY lol,” said a local beneath Sheffi and Steve’s “evens are east, odds are west” clip. 

“Yup for many cases,” agreed another, adding, “Odd numbers face [New Jersey] because Jersey is odd.”

“Odd addresses are almost always on North side of street, even addresses on south side of street — add that to this rule and you become a [navigation] master,” advised a NYC know-it-all. 

But, for those who are directionally-challenged, it may be wise to just stick to GPS technology. 

“Google maps helps too,” a troubleshooter reminded. “Just walk and the thing moves.”

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